Thursday, June 13, 2024

All About Cat Whiskers!


Whiskers are an extremely prominent feature of the feline face. They’re incredibly cute, expressive, and they help highlight those glistening kitty eyes. Without them, cats would look a little peculiar…and they’d also navigate their surroundings completely different. Yup, you read that right! Cat whiskers serve many important functions, from environmental awareness to protection and more.

Here are seven things you need to know about these essential hairs.

Cat Whiskers

#1. Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?

Cat whiskers, also called vibrissae, are touch-receptive tactile hairs that grow around a feline’s mouth, eyes, ears, and sometimes forelegs. When a cat’s whisker brushes against an object or senses even the smallest vibration in the air, the sensory cells surrounding the whisker’s hair follicle send important signals to the brain. These signals help cats assess their environment and become especially aware of what is around them.

Even in the darkest of night, whiskers help cats hunt, keep their face protected, and detect changes in the air that may signal danger. Cat whiskers also allow felines to visually measure distance and determine whether they can make that long-distance jump or fit into a super tight space. If you’ve ever wondered how cats jump so effortlessly onto narrow ledges, their whiskers play a large part!

#2: Do Cats Communicate Using Their Whiskers?

Cats may use their whiskers as a form of body language directed toward their pet parents or other cats. For example, a kitty with bunched whiskers flat against the face may be frightened or scared. If their whiskers are pointed forward, they may be playing, hunting, or just on high alert. A calm, cool kitty will likely have their whiskers pointed outward and spread out.

#3. How Many Whiskers Does a Cat Have?

In addition to their pattern and location, how many whiskers a cat has varies from breed to breed. Most cats do, however, have 24 mystacial whiskers, which are found on either side of the muzzle. These whiskers are symmetrically arranged in rows of 4, with 12 on each cheek.

#4. Do Hairless Cats Have Whiskers?

The majority of hairless cats do not have whiskers. If they do, they are often curly and particularly short. Hairless cats such as the Sphynx have adapted to live quite normally with few to no whiskers.

#5. Should You Cut a Cat’s Whiskers?

You should not cut a cat’s whiskers. Even if they appear extremely long or unruly, trimming whiskers can cause felines to lose their spatial awareness and become disoriented. While cat grooming is still important for keeping our best friends tidy, it’s best to let cat whiskers grow wild and free!

#6. Do Cats’ Whiskers Fall Out?

Felines are regular shedders. This means that, like the fur on the rest of their bodies, cat whiskers fall out naturally. Sometimes other factors may cause abnormal whisker loss, though. Ringworm, a fungal infection of the skin, is one of the most common causes of whisker loss and occurs frequently in young kittens.

Other factors include allergy flare-ups, bacterial infections, thyroid conditions, and fights with other cats. We recommend consulting a veterinarian if you suspect your cat is suddenly losing its whiskers.

#7. Do Cats’ Whiskers Grow Back?

Normally, cats’ whiskers grow back in two to three months. If a cat is sick or injured, however, they may not regrow their whiskers until they are cured.

WOW-Worthy Whiskers

Whiskers are much more than embellishments. These integral hairs allow cats to determine when they can reach the greatest heights, fit the smallest spaces, and so on. Now that you know more about cat whiskers, it’s no wonder that felines can accomplish these amazing feats!

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