Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Cat Behavior Explained: 7 Quirky Kitty Habits


Our cats…they love us, they amuse us, and sometimes they downright confuse us. While cats may be domesticated creatures and proud members of the family, they still possess similar instincts to their wild ancestors. It’s no wonder you may need common cat behaviors explained! This guide scratches the surface on our feline friends’ fascinating (and occasionally odd) quirks to finally answer the question, “why do cats do that?!”

7 Quirky Kitty Habits

Why Does My Cat Lick Me?

cat licking screen

It’s no secret that cats love to lick! Between cleaning themselves and grooming each other, it can feel like felines are always occupied. In fact, cats can spend 30% to 50% of their day grooming themselves, according to Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. But why is your cat licking you so much?

Your furry friend may lick you to show affection the way their mother would show them. Similarly, mothers groom their babies until they can learn to keep themselves clean. Your cat may simply be trying to show their compassion for your well-being (or maybe they think you could use a bath!).

Why Does My Cat Stare at Me?

No, your cat is not plotting against you! There are a few explanations for a cat’s aloof staring, but the main reason is mere fascination; you’re very interesting to them! In other circumstances, they’re looking to you for answers. A study by Animal Cognition revealed that cats look to their owner in the presence of possible danger to know how to react. Just as children gauge the severity of a situation by their parents’ reaction, your fur kid could be doing the same.

Why Does My Cat Meow So Much?

cat with mouth open

Meowing is a kitty’s way of communicating with humans, but why do cats meow so much? If your furry friend is trying to talk to you, there are a few reasons why. Saying hello, seeking attention, or begging for food can all be behind a chatty kitty. Essentially, cats have learned that meowing prompts their family members to give them something they want.

If you are looking for a conversationalist, one of the most talkative breeds is the Siamese cat!

Why Does My Cat Follow Me Everywhere?

Your feline following you to the restroom may seem like an odd move, but to have this cat behavior explained, it starts at their ancestral roots. Your home is your cat’s territory, and you are a part of their circle. If they are acting nosey, it is because they want to know what’s going on in their space.

Where you lead, they will follow—especially if it’s around feeding time. They want to know what you are up to…and where food may fall!

Why Does My Cat Keep Sneezing?

Cat sneezing

The occasional sneeze from your cat is adorable and humorous. And just as humans react to dust or allergens, your feline friend could have something irritating their nasal passages. In that case, a sneeze here and there is nothing to worry about.

If you find your cat sneezing excessively, however, there can be more explanations. Your cat may be allergic to something environmentally specific, such as a certain room in the house. Also, you should check to make sure there is nothing tickling their nasal passage, such as grass or lint.

Other sneezing causes include nasal and sinus issues, such as rhinitis and sinusitis, which are common respiratory issues in cats. The “cat flu” is another possibility, leading to cold-like symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, and a runny nose. If your kitty’s symptoms persist, contact your local veterinarian.

Why Does My Cat Sit on Me?

Your feline friend loves being close to you! While some cats are not overtly affectionate, most enjoy curling up on your lap, your chest, or even your shoulders.

This sweet gesture is because cats consider you a source of safety. They trust your scent and body heat to comfort them. It is an appreciative act, so don’t be alarmed if you wake up with your cat on your head!

Why Does My Cat Knead Me?

cat reaching across wall

One last cat behavior explained: kneading. Like the sourdough you attempted to make, your cat may be proving their dough abilities by kneading around the house. Now, they may do this on the couch or the grass, but you may be wondering, “why does my cat knead me?”

Just like pouncing (especially during the zoomies), the motion is innate. Pressing their paws in a repetitive, downward motion is reminiscent of the action they would use on their mothers’ bellies to produce more milk. Additionally, cats’ ancestors would pat down grassy areas for bedding or in preparation of birth, according to Animal Planet.

It is also a great way to stretch, readjust their bedding or blanket, or simply show you they are in good spirits.

That’s Why!

Cat quirks vary based on their personality, breed, and upbringing. They can be very complex, just like humans, so some habits cannot be explained. Their oddities make up their character and how they express themselves, which is why we love our furry felines so much.

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