Saturday, June 8, 2024

How To Trim Cat Nails in 5 Easy Steps


Many pet parents can relate to the stress that accompanies cutting their cat’s claws, especially during the first attempt. Not only do you want to do a good job, but you also aim to keep your kitty safe and looking their very best! Fear not, with these five simple steps, you will learn how to trim cat nails from the comfort of your own home.

Trim Cat Nails

Why Should I Cut My Cat’s Nails?

Trimming your cat’s nails is important because overgrown nails can become uncomfortable for your cat or even curl back into their paw pads. Left untreated, these curled nails can cause pain or increase the chances of an infection. Plus, well-maintained nails will help prevent ripped furniture or an accidental scratch!

Before You Get Started…

Get your equipment ready to go! The most important tool will be a cat nail clipper that is specially designed for feline friends. Because accidents do happen (despite our best effort), it’s a good idea to be prepared for any minor incidents before you start clipping. Healthy Promise® Pet Blood Stopper Powder is an easy-to-use solution that quickly helps stop any bleeding caused by nail trimming.

Step 1: Make Your Cat Comfortable

The first step in this process is to acclimate your kitty. If you are learning how to trim cat nails, it will be easier if your furry friend is in a calm mood before you get started. If they have the cat zoomies or just seem more energetic than usual, wait until they are more mellow to begin. Be sure to keep your feline in a comfortable environment to help this process go as smoothly as possible.

Step 2: Extend the Claws

Once your feline is settled, it’s time to prepare their paws! Clipping cat nails is easier when their claws are stretched out all the way. You can extend your cat’s claw by holding their paw firmly in one hand and gently pressing their toe pad. Some cats might be ticklish or squirmy when you touch their paw pads, so you will want to have a secure grip on their body. For greater control, try sitting down with your cat in your lap.

Always be gentle while handling your cat to make the experience more positive for them. If you have to fight to keep them secure, they’ll likely dread the next time you bring out the clipper.

cat's claws stretched out

Step 3: Insert Nail Tip into Clipper

Next you will insert the sharp tip of your cat’s nail into the opening of the clipper. Position the nail above the cutting blade—not too far in—to avoid the “quick” of the nail. The quick, or cuticle, contains the blood vessels and nerves that run through your feline’s nail. Similar to finding a dog’s nail quick, a cat’s quick can be spotted by gently lifting the paw and looking down at the nail. There you will see the pink quick located at the base of the nail. If your feline has black claws, finding the quick can be more difficult. Shine a light on your cat’s paws to help see the quick and trim small amounts where the nail curves.

Step 4: Squeeze Clipper Handles

Here comes the satisfying part: squeezing the clippers! If your feline’s nails are extremely long, trim a small amount and wait a week before trimming the nails again to allow the blood vessels to retract back into the nail. You can repeat the process once a week until their nails reach the length you want. Between sessions, you can give your feline access to a cat scratcher to help maintain their nail length.

Step 5: Reward Your Cat

Now that all the hard work is done, it’s time to reward your kitty! Clipping cat nails requires cooperation from your feline friend, so let them know they did a great job—whether it’s with more play time, cuddles, or even a treat. Eventually your cat may connect the experience with this extra-special reward and get excited when the clippers come out!

Claw-some Job!

Learning how to trim a cat’s nails can be a process of trial and error, but with practice and time, you are going to nail it. Now that you have the claws taken care of, discover more tips and advice on cat grooming to help keep your kitty happy and healthy!

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